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Vietnamese in France Gather to Mark 50 Years of Paris Peace Accords

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UGVF President Vuong Huu Nhan speaks at the event. Photo: NDO The General Union of Vietnamese in France (UGVF) on May 13 held a get-together and a photo exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords) (January 27, 1973), VNA reported Sunday. UGVF President Vuong Huu Nhan said that the get-together aimed to share memories of a heroic period at the UGVF’s headquarters at No.16 on Petit Musc street, Paris – an important venue for negotiations on the Paris Peace Accords 50 years ago. He emphasized that the patriotic movement of Vietnamese people in France, of which the UGVF at that time was the core, greatly contributed to the agreement signing. At the event, the UGVF introduced file photos featuring negotiation sessions towards the signing of the agreement, and several books on Vietnamese history. Photo: NDO The Paris Peace Accords was the result of the lo...