Bài đăng

Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn 2023 at 05:48PM

Over 1 Million Students Participate in the 2023 National High School Graduation Examinations

Traffic policemen in Hanoi implement measures aimed at ensuring safety around the exam venues from early in the morning. A mother encourages her daughter and expresses hopes that she will perform well during her high-school graduation examination. Volunteers are on hand to support both students and their parents at an exam venue in Hanoi. Teachers prepare paper boxes in order to keep students’ belongings in an area located 25 metres away from the test site. Some students review their lessons at an exam site in Dong Da district of Hanoi. A total of 250,000 staff have been mobilised in order to organise and invigilate the exams taking place across the country this year. During the morning students do a test on Vietnamese literature and language for 120 minutes, followed by a 90-minute math test held in the afternoon. On June 29, tests in natural sciences are scheduled to take place in the morning and social sciences in the afternoon. Photographed are s...